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Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING

Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING
Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING

Jan – Joost Bouwman - From Agile, to DevOps, to BusDevOps. The road taken by ING

所属会议:2017 DevOpsDays 上海站暨DevOps金融峰会会议地点:上海



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When DevOps gurus talk about the horses doing DevOps (actual enterprises from the 'old' economy, rather than unicorns like startups or Google etc) one of the horses mentioned is often ING. And with reason. ING was an early adopter of Agile development, but soon after made the next step to DevOps. And recently even adopted/adapted the Spotify model to what we call BusDevOps. This talk is about the three stages of the Agile transition of ING in the Netherlands, discussing which changes we went through. Both from an organisational point of view and a cultural point of view. Central to our transition is our engineering culture. Because we believe it is our engineers that make the difference!

