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FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil

FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil
FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil

FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro-FreeBSD-George Neville-Neil




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FreeBSD is not a Linux Distro FreeBSD is a freely available, open source, complete operating system meant for the development of high quality software and systems. It is an integral part of Internet infrastructure and many products are built around it, including the Sony PS4, the WhatsApp messaging service, Juniper routers, NetApp storage filers and many others. Under continuous development for nearly 25 years, it is derived from the original work on the Berkeley Software Distribution from the University of California, Berkeley. In this talk I will cover several of the unique features of FreeBSD that make it a great platform for software development as well as discussing some of the history behind the project and the development philosophy that has made it one of the longest running open source projects in existence.



