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Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker

Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker
Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker

Hunting CVEs for fun and profit_flanker




Android iOS



现代大型操作系统和应用软件作为软件工程的巅峰之作,凝结了成百上千位优秀工程师的智慧结晶。但有人的地方就有漏洞,即使有最优秀的安全团队护航,这些关键产品仍不能完全避免漏洞的存在。本次嘉宾flanker将以Android, iOS/macOS和奇酷等代表性OS/软件为例,介绍CVE挖掘的思路和方法,以及如何利用这些漏洞突破层层防御,最终实现远程代码执行+内核权限提升。

