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TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture

TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture
TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture

TiDB 申砾_Design and Architecture




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在线事务处理( OLTP )和在线分析处理( OLAP )这两类业务对数据库的要求完全不同,这两类系统在架构上往往区别很大。 大多数情况下,同时有这两种需求的业务会维护两套异构系统,中间通过 ETL 工具连接起来。一套用于承载 OLTP 部分的业务,侧重于数据一致性、高吞吐、低延迟; 一套用于承载 OLAP 部分的业务,侧重于处理复杂的分析 Query 以及存储海量数据。这种方案一方面无法保证数据的时效性,另一方面维护两套系统以及其之间的数据同步也会提高业务的成本以及复杂性。 TiDB 是由 PingCAP 开发的分布式 NewSQL 数据库,希望能够为具有 OLTP / OLAP 混合业务需求的用户提供一站式解决方案,大家可以把 TiDB 当作可以无限扩展的 MySQL 来用,极大简化业务架构和使用成本。这次和大家分享 TiDB 的设计原理与实现。

