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Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration

Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration
Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration

Zoe Liu-Emerging AV1 Video Codec - Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration

所属会议:LiveVideoStackCon 音视频技术大会会议地点:北京



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Google started the WebM Project in 2010 to develop open source, royalty-­free video codecs designed specifically for media on the Web. The second generation codec released by the WebM project, VP9, ­is currently served by YouTube, and enjoys billions of views per day. Realizing the need for even greater compression efficiency to cope with the growing demand for video on the web, the WebM team embarked on an ambitious project to develop a next edition codec AV1, in a consortium of major tech companies called the Alliance for Open Media (AOM), that achieves at least a generational improvement in coding efficiency over VP9. In this talk, we focus primarily on the new tools developed by AV1, including the tools and coding modes for the prediction of pixel blocks that improve intra, inter and combined inter-intra prediction, as well as new paradigms for transform, interpolation filtering, coefficient entropy-coding, super-resolution, and restoration filtering.

