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2017 DevOpsDays 上海站暨DevOps金融峰会会议文档

2017 DevOpsDays 上海站暨DevOps金融峰会

At the Agile 2008 conference, Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois discussed "Agile Infrastructure". The term "DevOps" was popularized through a series of devopsdays starting in 2009 in Belgium. Since then, there have been devopsdays conferences held in many countries worldwide... 2008年的敏捷会议上,Andrew Clay Shafer 和 Patrick Debois 讨论了关于“敏捷基础设施”的问题。2009年在比利时召开了第一届 DevOpsDays 大会,之后 DevOps 这个术语开始流行起来。自那以后, DevOpsDays 大会开始风靡全球……

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