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The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez

The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez
The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez

The Best Practices for Moving Oracle Database to the Cloud-Joel Perez




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This session covers how best to move your on-premises Oracle Database and other development instances to a public cloud—such as data and development platform migration—and outlines and details best practices for DBAs, IT staff, and developers. The session also details available options for DBAs and developers for cloud application development and what mix of technologies can be used. Learn about Oracle Database backup, failover, and recovery options, Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service.



